San Diego Park Realty

Home Shoppers

Whether you’re a first time buyer or seasoned investor Park Realty has the experience to find you the best property. In a hot housing market like San Diego, working with Park Realty can make all the difference. We can add you to an email list to keep you up to date on all relevant new listings so you don’t miss out on your dream home!

Home Sellers

Whether you are ready to list your home tomorrow or in a few years Park Realty can help you plan to get top dollar. We will help you get your home for the market, prepare a marketing plan and discuss pricing strategies. We are committed to our clients and will be there for you each step of the way!


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About Us

Margaux(Agent) was born and raised in North Park and doesn’t plan on leaving anytime soon. She is a graduate of UC Davis (Go Ags!) and earned degrees in environmental science and communication. Margaux enjoys working with buyers and sellers and is the point of contact for our rental properties. She is a First Time Buyer Specialist, Public Notary and is currently studying for her broker’s exam.

“Margaux is amazing”

Wade Warren

Why Choose Us


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Tempor ullamcorper urna, est, lectus amet sit tempor pretium mi sed morbi cras posuere sit ultrices bibendum augue sit ornare.


Tempor ullamcorper urna, est, lectus amet sit tempor pretium mi sed morbi cras posuere sit ultrices bibendum augue sit ornare.

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